Casting the Circle

     At the beginning of a ritual, after the Quarters have been called, it is vital to cast a protective Circle wherein one can work.
     The fabric of the Circle itself is a perfect sphere, protruding one half above ground and the other half below. You stand directly in the center of that Circle.

     Stand and grasp your Athame in your RIGHT hand and walk three times Deosil around the edge of the Circle, all the while keeping your eyes and Athame tip fixed on the center of the Circle....
          "I conjure ye, O great Circle of Power That thou might be for me a boundary Between the world of Men and the realms Of the mighty Spirits. A meeting place of perfect Love, Trust, Peace, and Joy, containing the powers I Shall raise herein. I have called on the Powers of the North, the East, the South, And the West, to aide me in the  Construction of this Circle."
     When the Circle has been circled thrice and the incantaion completed, stand at the center and hold the Athame over the center point of the Circle. Visualize a complex web of brilliant golden stars forming a sphere and growing to encompass you and the Circle....
          "In this place that is not a place
           In this time that is not a time
           By my will I create the Is To Be
           The Mother supports my feet
           Her Consort is by my side
           All around me the Ancients are
           Forming a web of golden stars
           Containing the Power I shall raise herein.
           The Legions await my word!"
     Hold the Athame aloft, pointing its blade towards the Heavens...
          "As Above...."
     Turn the athame over and dip its blade in the Chalice.....
          "So Below.
           The Circle is sealed.
           So mote it be."

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