- Come to me Air, so cool and clear
- My words come with ease and also no fear
- Give me sharp mental focus, creativity too
- So that positive ends spring from all that I do.
- Come to me Fire, brilliant and bright
- Give me strength and forthrightness all through my life.
- Warm me with truth and power to set right
- Whatever is wrong through love and its light.
- Come to me Water, silky and free
- Compassion and empathy now give to me
- For soothing life's troubles, both mine and my friends'
- Understanding and peace from your rivers you send.
- Come to me Earth, plants, animals and gold
- Allow me to grow with the grace of a doe.
- Serene and content, with reverence for all
- Give me purpose, stability, and the will to stand tall.
- Come to me, Akasha, my spirit transform
- By all the elements, Your blessing perform.
- Help me to balance all I receive
- So that this Witch's life says to all, Blessed Be!