This is a simple cantrip that can be used any time, any place, with some degree of descretion. It is designed to protect
an item against a specific individual. Its effects are sturdy and I find that they last for about four or five days
before the spell should be repeated.
- The object in need of protection.
- For best results, perform during a full or waxing moon.
- With the first two fingers of the right hand, trace an invoking Pentacle gently on the surface of the
- See the long tendrils of flame that trail behind your fingers, forming a flaming Pentacle of fiery protection.
With this Pentacle I lay
Protection here both night and day
And the one who should not touch
Let his/her fingers burn and twitch.
I now invoke the Law of Three
This is my will, So Mote It Be!.
- Try to time the invocation so that it and the tracing of the Pentacle end at precisely the same moment.
- See the flames being absorbed by the object, locking the protective fires deep within.
I've used this spell for so long, its exact origins are forgotten. If anyone knows where it came from, let me know.
Feedback, submissions, ideas? Email Khalin_ElvenStone@hotmail.com.