Khalin's Ponderings is a weekly newsletter that gets sent to an ever-growing E-mail
list every Sunday. The goal of this newsletter is to keep readers up-to-date on all things Magickal.
Khalin's Ponderings is free, and all you have to do to begin recieving weekly issues is enter your E-mail
in the box below.
Your name and Email address will NOT be given to anyone, any time, under any circumstances. Even to you. Even
if you beg.
Here are some of the things to expect from Ponderings:
Pagan Pulse - An article outlining the recent events in the Pagan community. Keeps readers informed
and thinking about the ever-evolving Pagan traditions.
From the Grimoire - A new page every issue directly from Khalin's closely-guarded Book
of Shadows. Until now, the BoS section of this website was the closest anyone ever got to this trove of Arcane knowledge.
Herb of the week - Each and every week, a new herb is showcased, including its native habitat, gathering
tips, drying and storing techniques, madicinal, Magickal and homeopathic uses, and spiritual relations with planets, energies,
Gods and even the days of the week!
Weekly Muse - A poetry article that examines what it is to be human, and what it means to be Pagan.
Poetry is written mostly by Khalin, although readers often send in their own poetry.
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given to anyone, any time, under any circumstances.