Altars also come in a startling variety of shapes, sizes and "moods". Some are clean and tidy,
even Spartan in appearance, while others are a dishevelled chaos of tools, herbs and other manifestations of the "stuff of
the stuff-free life". Others still are not "spiritual" at all in nature, but simply places devoted to personal
objects like family treasures and photos of friends and loved ones, and have more to do with our love
for the people and places in our daily lives than with any religious association.
In an attempt to broaden the Pagan community's understanding of Altars and sacred spaces, I'm
posting pages with photos of the Magickal workshops of various magicians from all Magickal paths. Those who have their
sanctum spiritualis displayed here have offered these images on their own free will, and have opted to share one of the most
personal and intimate parts of their lives with YOU, the reader.
Each sacred space gets its own page, and each page is named after the owner of said space. If
you'd like to showcase your Magickal lair here, simply Email me with your pictures, send them to me over MSN Messenger or
Yahoo! Messenger, or provide me with a URL to the pictures.